#CLTInspreneurs: Catie Starr

Meet Catie, makeup artist and hair stylist 

Meet Catie, a production and advertising makeup artist and hair stylist.


Catie Starr Makeup


I’ve been doing production makeup and hair since 2002 but officially started my company in 2008. I get people looking their best to be on camera.

What is a typical day like for you?

My day starts early- I usually have to leave my house around 6am, call time is often 7am. The beginning of the day is always insanely busy for me. When I arrive at set, I grab a coffee, unpack, get my kit set up and organized. I find the director, client, creative director and discuss thoughts for how the talent should look. I’m often in charge of wardrobe as well- I pick from clothing options and get everything steamed and prepared for camera. When the talent arrives, I do their initial makeup and hair, get them dressed and then send them on set. From there my day consists of making adjustments, communicating with the crew and client, and getting more talent ready if we have a staggered schedule. We usually wrap for the day around 5. When I get home I am usually pretty smoked and in bed by 8:00pm.

Favorite part about being an entrepreneur?

I love knowing that I have built something myself- there is a lot of risk in doing your own thing and I thrive on that.

Least favorite?

I can’t say no to work. I will always take on another project even when I am absolutely exhausted. I hate planning personal things in advance- I often cancel because a project will come up. Sorry friends.

What did you do before you went out on your own?

I’ve always been on my own in some capacity. I’ve worked in salons through the years for some extra money- but it was always a reminder that I should be doing my own thing.

Why did you pick Charlotte as the home of your business?

This is my second time living in CLT. The first time I moved here was from San Francisco. I wanted to move to a place on the east coast that had affordable living, great weather and an easy access airport. I left for a few years (Savannah, Hudson Valley), but was called back to Charlotte.

What inspired you to go out on your own?

It’s something I have always known I wanted to do. And I’m bad at having a traditional boss. Authority probs.

What do you do when you’re not working?

During the week I just eat and sleep. If I have time during weekends, I like to ride my bicycle, go to Lenny Boy and eat delicious food with my favorite people.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being out on your own?

The people that succeed are the ones that refuse to give up. Being a stubborn ass really benefited me here.

Talk about a time you failed big time and what you did next.

I’ve had lots of “oh shit” situations over the years. They make good stories over bourbon.

Who do you look up to or look to for inspiration/advice? 

I have a few go to people- Corri Smith for one. It’s invaluable to be close with another female business owner in CLT. John Allred from Wheelhouse Media is my go to for advice in the production world, he doesn’t bullshit me, which is exactly what I need. Also my boyfriend, Brian. He’s the unsung hero of my life and constant calmer to my worry brain.

What’s your motto, or some words you live by? 

Don’t be a dick.

What advice would you offer to someone who wants to be an entrepreneur?

Be prepared to work, worry and stress so much more than you imagined. But it’s completely worth it.

Where can people stalk ya?

Insta: @catiestarr

What’s your “power color”?

Dark blue

A Note from BW on Catie Starr…

We chose Catie to represent the BEAUTY space. We know what it’s like to live behind the camera and for our work to play out as a showcase of someone else and often without gratitude. Catie spends her days bringing out the best in others and we wanted to feature the magician behind the faces, hair and makeup products. She is extremely hardworking, very strategic about her brand and is ALWAYS willing to help lift others up, whether through advice, support or education.

#CLTInspreneurs: Paula Bartlett & Torrie Savage

Meet Paula & Torrie, creative marketing duo. 

Meet Paula and Torrie co-owners of #thesavageway. In a nutshell, #thesavageway creatively uses nature to market companies. Everyday they get to create in some capacity. Paula thrives off lists, organization, is extremely determined, and the quiet, behind-the-scenes side of the company. Torrie is outgoing, creative powerhouse and the risk taker.



(yes, the official name has a hashtag in front of it… aka, it’s always trending.)


Paula: #thesavageway started in 2012 after a chance meeting of two people at a bar (that’s a fun story for another time). We started out as a social media/ PR/marketing company, but after a few years, we realized that we were so much more (and different) than that. Today, we work with clients who want to stand out. Period.  Our services include Clean Graffiti, Moss Art and Creative Guerilla Marketing. We are based in Charlotte, NC but have worked in over 50 cities.

Torrie: #thesavageway has evolved so much since starting, I will spare you all the details and cut to the chase in that we now do out of the box “things”… Clean Graffiti, Moss Art & Guerilla Marketing. It’s funny we have not done PR in a few years but we still make the top lists – which tells us we have kept our clients and social presence in the public realm enough to still get noticed and that’s what it is all about. If you want to know all the details about any of the 3 above I would love to have coffee with you and tell you all about our adventure – it’s been a lot of fun and we love talking about it – It’s just not that easy to type all out.

What is a typical day like for you?

Paula: It all varies, but usually I wake up at 5:15am, meditate, make my to-do list for the day, hit the gym at 6:45am, shower, then the work starts. I could be writing blogs, creating proposals, researching new markets, playing travel agent, cleaning moss (yes, that’s part of my job), making maps, the list goes on and on – basically a lot of computer work. I try to be home by 5ish so I can cook and relax with my family. Usually I jump back into some work or read after dinner. I’m the worst sleeper but I try to get to bed by 10:30/11pm.

Torrie: Wake up and feed the dogs is always first – then I make my way to some tea, meditate and sometimes catch a workout class in the am. Work ALWAYS varies – some days we are stuck at a desk, some days I am making Moss Art and some days we are traveling to a new city to execute Clean Graffiti. Oh yea, and then I try to disconnect at night and be normal – meet friends for dinner, go to a brewery or drive to Matthews and hang with my some of my favorite people, my parents.

Favorite part about being an entrepreneur?

Paula: Definitely one of my favorite parts is being the boss of my time. There is so much freedom knowing I don’t have to work within the 9-5pm time slot. I thrive early in the morning and am usually spent by 3pm. Being an entrepreneur means I can take a break and get back to work later in the evening. I find a way to make it work in balance with my life. Another thing I love is that I am constantly pushing myself creatively. The ideas and pitches that we make for clients can be so out of my comfort zone, but I love being challenged.

Torrie: Creative freedom and being my own boss.

Least favorite?

Paula: Accounting. (thank goodness for James Pollack!)

Torrie: Not being able to turn it off or disconnect.

What did you do before you went out on your own?

Paula: Event Planning / Marketing / Bartending

Torrie: Marketing Director at an agency.

Why did you pick Charlotte as the home of your business?

Paula: Personally, I chose Charlotte on a whim almost a decade ago. After graduating from Ohio University, I packed my car and moved south. Charlotte had a growing economy and warmer weather (which was perfect for me).  Since 2008, I have grown to know this city as my home. I could not imagine being anywhere else.

Torrie: Happened by default.

What inspired you to go out on your own?

Paula: I wanted to work for something I was passionate about.

Torrie: Working for clients I did not believe in. If we HAVE to work our whole lives, I needed to be fulfilling my time and efforts with people who actually deserved it. I had NO CLUE what being an entrepreneur entailed… but man, did I learn fast! I love having #thesavageway as my job, we truly love what we do and who we do it for.

What do you do when you’re not working?

Paula: I work a ton, but I find it is so important to make time for you. There really is nothing more important than your own mental and physical wellbeing. When I’m not working, you can find me working out, hanging out with my husband, cooking and testing recipes, spending time with our two pups (Rosco & Lola), reading, or spending time outside under the trees.

Torrie: Hang with friends and my dogs. Cook, read & workout.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being out on your own?

Paula: To trust my gut. This is a big motto of #thesavageway and something we practice daily. Whenever we have call/meeting with a potential new client, the first thing Torrie and I do is assess how we feel about it. We pause and listen to what our gut is saying. Early on, we said yes to a lot of projects because we were hungry for the work, but it was not a good fit for us overall. Now, by listening to our guts, we know that we are working for companies that we whole-heartedly believe in and can support.

Torrie: Get an accountant.

Talk about a time you failed big time and what you did next.

Paula: When you run a business, you fail all the time. But you just have to learn how to do it better the next time. We’re paving this path as we go and there are definitely pitfalls and wrong turns but we haven’t gone off the map yet. That’s where having an awesome business partner comes in. Torrie & I are able to hold each other accountable and run big decisions by each other. We have found a way to navigate this crazy path and have fun while doing it!

Torrie: We have definitely made a lot of mistakes but a “big fail” hasn’t happened yet.

Who do you look up to or look to for inspiration/advice? 

Paula: I gather inspiration from all over the place and I try to constantly stay engaged with reading to keep my mind open.  A few favorites are authors like Paulo Coehlo & Thich Nhat Hanh, books like “Creativity, Inc,” & “Rework,” Podcasts from Rich Roll (The Rich Roll Podcast) & Dan Harris (10% Happier), and artist, Ashley Longshore.

Torrie: I have a handful of local mentors and reading or staying inspired with podcasts has also helped.

What’s your motto, or some words you live by? 

Paula: Be Kind. Always.

Torrie: Trust  your gut.

What advice would you offer to someone who wants to be an entrepreneur?

Paula: Being your own boss is difficult (and not for everyone). You must have a lot of self-discipline every hour of the day. If you decide to go down this road, please make sure that you can laugh and have fun while creating your business.

Torrie: Put your big girl pants on, it’s no easy feat.

Where can people stalk ya?

Insta: @thesavageway

Twitter: @thesavageway

Facebook: @thesavageway

What’s your “power color”?

Paula: I don’t necessarily have a power color, I mostly wear neutrals and big grandpa sweaters (☺). But if I want to feel like a boss, I throw on some heels.

Torrie: Green

A Note from BW on Paula and Torrie…

We chose Paula and Torrie to represent the OUT OF THE BOX space. Truly, they are inventing new ways to share a brand’s story. Through moss and clean graffiti, TSW is putting messages in creative places and engaging people in organic and authentic ways (and we are all about that). They’re fun, kind and live passion-driven lives, which is inspiring for everyone, not just entrepreneurs. They are a perfect example of taking a leap of faith (something every entrepreneur must do): trusting in something you believe in, even if it’s new, scary, and/or no one else can see it.

#CLTInspreneurs: Landon Cassill

Meet Landon, driver for Front Row Motorsports 

Meet Landon, a young NASCAR driver with a lot of experience at the highest level.


Front Row Motorsports


I’ve been driving for over 20 years, professionally for 10. I’ve been able to adapt to the changing landscape of social media and the technology advancement of our cars over the past 5 years to keep myself relevant on and off the track.

What is a typical day like for you?

During the week, we aren’t allowed to practice our cars, so I meet with my engineering team to discuss our upcoming races and strategize the car setup. I also train, focusing mostly on endurance. In a 500 mile race, my body experiences a very similar aerobic load as a full marathon.

Favorite part about being an entrepreneur?

My potential accomplishments and earnings always seem endless, it’s just up to me to get there. I don’t feel like there is a ceiling limiting me from my dreams.

Least favorite?

Racing is very hard, and very very competitive. It also takes a lot of money and corporate sponsorship to compete at the highest level.

What did you do before you went out on your own?

I became a professional driver straight out of high school.

Why did you pick Charlotte as the home of your business?

The entire NASCAR industry is based out of Charlotte.

What inspired you to go out on your own?

It was the only way to make it

What do you do when you’re not working?

Spend time with my family, train for IRONMAN triathlons

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being out on your own?

Nobody looks out for your best interests as good as you do

Talk about a time you failed big time and what you did next.

In 2010 I found myself without a driving job, and no attractive prospects. I started taking some of the less attractive opportunities, and turned them into much more successful teams because of my performance. This built my reputation and helped me build a long term place in the sport

Who do you look up to or look to for inspiration/advice? 

My Dad

What’s your motto, or some words you live by? 

Can’t never did anything

What advice would you offer to someone who wants to be an entrepreneur?

Go for it, but don’t expect any days off.

Where can people stalk ya?


What’s your “power color”?

Black is a good power color!

A Note from BW on Landon Cassill…

We chose Landon to represent the PERSONAL BRAND space. We have no idea what it’s like to be famous, but Landon crushes it. He is down to earth, super friendly, interesting, and, we have to say it… a riot on social media. He is a pioneering personality there and engages with everyone who comments or tweets at him with, quite possibly, the greatest sense of humor. The ongoing conversation surrounding finding Landon Cassill at one of his sponsor’s locations (Loves travel station) was truly epic. Please see some of our favorite tweets below…

#CLTInspreneurs: Meggie Williams

Meet Meggie, founder of Skipper 

Meet Meggie, founder of Skipper She has always been curious and likes to ask hard questions. She admires people who live on their own terms. She tries to be kind and courageous all the time. She is self-driven, never needed someone else to tell her when to jump, and is usually the one out there encouraging other people.




Two years ago, my husband and I were looking for a dog walking service for our dogs, Stinson and Khumbu, and couldn’t find one we liked. So, we created our own.

We’re here to bring our clients peace of mind. At Skipper, our clients receive real-time updates and an automated summary report with a GPS-tracked map and pet photos after every visit.

We make our service really easy to use; we offer free same-day scheduling and never charge for additional pets. Visits can be fully customized to fit your dog’s needs. We’re very selective with the team members we hire; everyone loves animals and has experience in pet care. Our team is bonded, insured, background-checked and professionally trained. We earn our clients’ trust because we care about providing an unparalleled level of convenience, quality, and care in everything we do!

What is a typical day like for you?

It changes depending on the week! We’re in the process of raising our first round of funding – I spend a lot of time meeting with potential investors. I’m also currently working on several partnerships with other businesses. I work closely with the rest of our rock star team out of our office in Hygge; we’re focused right now expanding our technology and getting ready for our first new market launch. Details on that coming soon. 🙂

Favorite part about being an entrepreneur?

Ah, there so many things. For one, I love being an entrepreneur in Charlotte where I get to be a part of this growing base of entrepreneurial people committed to seeing this city thrive on the contributions of the creative class. A high tide raises all ships, and this community knows it. I have a lot of close friends and mentors who are building companies, and we all care deeply about each other’s success. I wake up every day feeling honored to be a member of this tribe.

Least favorite?

I was more relaxed before we started this company. 🙂 I used to read a lot. We’d go to Barnes & Nobles and walk through the aisles, find a few good books, grab a fancy coffee from the café and then hole up at one of the tables… read a little, talk, and read some more. I was better at slowing down the pace then. It’s harder for me now to get out of fifth gear.

What did you do before you went out on your own?

I was strategy consultant for IBM in NYC, and then I was the General Manager of a startup based in San Francisco.

Why did you pick Charlotte as the home of your business?

After Sebastian and I got married, we backpacked around the world for 9 months. We met so many people, explored so many places, and learned about ourselves and what feeling ‘at home’ meant to us.

When we got back from our trip, we wanted to find a place where we could make roots. Sebastian grew up in the mountains west of Asheville and I was born and raised in New Jersey. We met at UNC-Chapel Hill and lived in NYC for a few years. We always knew we’d come back to NC. We love Charlotte for its great blend of urban and rural lifestyles. It’s sophisticated without being pretentious. You can find adventures inside and outside and never get bored. The people are diverse, and you can be as engaged with the community as you want to be. Having a business here has deepened our relationships and introduced us to so many new friends and new purposes. We tie our identity to this place and deeply care about its future. We’re proud to call Charlotte our home.

What inspired you to go out on your own?

I saw something that wasn’t being done well and knew there was a better way. I did research and analyzed the market. We talked to many other dog owners to understand their needs until I felt confident that I could build something people would love.

What do you do when you’re not working?

I love adventures. I specifically love fast things, like roller coasters and speed boats. I’m always up for live music and being outside. We take the dogs on hikes and love to explore new trails. I love going to the movies. I’m active in my neighborhood community and serve on the board of Friends of 4th Ward. I play on a volleyball team that’s been together for 2 years.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being out on your own?

I’ve learned how to be scrappy and hustle. Running a business does not lend itself to a traditional work life – and I love that. I surround myself with go-getters who do whatever it takes. We learn the rules so we can change them. We’re not afraid of going outside the lines. We know we’re here to rewrite the books and we’re relentless about finding a better way. There’s nothing more empowering than discovering self-awareness from being pushed to rise higher, to know more, to be better.

Talk about a time you failed big time and what you did next.

I was laid off from my previous job. The company was going bankrupt but no one on payroll knew that at the time. It felt like a huge failure. I didn’t tell anyone for a whole week. I got myself together, and, after some self-reflecting, decided it was time to put this new idea into play that I’d been thinking about for a while. That’s when I started Skipper.

Who do you look up to or look to for inspiration/advice? 

I’m big about making friends with the people I admire. I try to surround myself with inspiring people. I call my mom every day.

What’s your motto, or some words you live by? 

People don’t remember what you said, they remember how you made them feel.

What advice would you offer to someone who wants to be an entrepreneur?

Do your research. Be ready to pick yourself up and dust yourself off… a lot. Read about the different types of cognitive biases to learn how and why you and other people think… “Thinking Fast and Slow,” by Daniel Kahneman is a good start. Remember that no matter whatever happens, the worst case scenario is probably not all that bad. Be ready for this to be lonely at times – and be okay with that. Find people who will support you and give you objective feedback. And feel free to email me, I’d be happy to talk with you, too. meggie@walkskipper.com

Where can people stalk ya?

Insta: @skipper

FB: Skipper

Twitter: @walkskipper

What’s your “power color”?


A Note from BW on Meggie Williams…

We chose Meggie to represent the SERVICE space. She has created not only a company, but also the programming, logistics and technology to make the business flourish. Could you ever imagine someone listening to your crazy idea over the phone and telling you to go for it and that she’ll support you on it, too? That’s Meggie. In fact, that’s how she and BW owner Corri met. After only a few sentences of learning about our #BWLuckyDog campaign (where we featured black dogs in need of good homes) Meggie was on board. Meggie’s operation of, and passion for Skipper is truly special and her energy is electric. Her enthusiasm rings true to something we always say: “if you’re not excited about your brand, no one else will be.” Vote Meggie Williams 2020.