#CLTInspreneurs: Elevator Jay

Meet Jay, music producer

Tell us about yourself:

My life is full of ups and downs.



Elevator Jay 



I’ve been writing and producing my own music since the age of 12. I make southern rap, which is a subgenre of hip-hop. Staying true to myself and relating to the people is what makes my music special. I also throw a monthly party at Snug Harbor (Plaza Midwood, Charlotte, NC) called “Player Made”. Player Made is an ode to southern rap of all eras. At the same time, it’s a brand that represents southern rap culture in general.


What is a typical day like for you?

A typical day for me is going to the studio to produce and/or record songs.


Favorite part about being an entrepreneur?

Having creative control is my favorite part about being an entrepreneur.


Least favorite?

There are way more responsibilities and work loads that come with being an entrepreneur. Along with that comes headaches, stress and all types of hurdles to jump, but it’s all worth it in the end.


What did you do before you went out on your own?

I’ve always supported myself and my music career by working a 9-5. I was always willing to do what I had to do in order to get to where I needed to be.


Why did you pick Charlotte as the home of your business?

Charlotte is my home. I was born and raised here. We were never really known to have culture or a music scene, so I want to change that. Helping to build the scene in Charlotte is my duty.


What inspired you to go out on your own?

Working for others just isn’t something I want do for the rest of my life. Being able to take care of my family and myself is my main goal, but taking orders from someone else isn’t the way I want to accomplish that.


What do you do when you’re not working?

When I’m not working, Im usually fishing and spending time with my family.


What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being out on your own?

The biggest lesson I’ve learned so far is to never give up. No matter how difficult it gets to reach my goal, always keep pushing.


Talk about a time you failed big time and what you did next.

Every mistake is made so that you can learn from it and try again. So I wouldn’t really say that I’ve ever failed big time. Everyday I make mistakes. Everyday I learn something new and progress.


Who do you look up to or look to for inspiration/advice? 

When it comes to inspiration/advice, I look to my family or close friends. Everyone in my circle are people who I trust to steer me in the right direction.


What’s your motto, or some words you live by?

“If they don’t let you in their party, throw your own.”


What advice would you offer to someone who wants to be an entrepreneur?

If you want to be an entrepreneur, create your own lane to drive in. Don’t fit in, stand out.


Where can people stalk ya?

You can find me on any social media platform @elevatorjay


What’s your “power color”?

My “power color” is gold. Everyday I live my life like it’s golden. I mean hell, it is. Lol

A Note from BW on Jay…

We picked Jay to represent MUSIC. He’s built a well known brand for himself and has brought attention to the city, one that’s not usually known for its music.


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