Each fall, local start-ups and non-profits have the chance to apply to the SEED20 program. Once the application period ends, 20 lucky organizations will be selected to receive two months of individual and group coaching from SEED20. The 20 selected will learn the most effective ways to pitch their organizations, practice their pitches in front of a group of coaches to receive direct feedback, and will work with an individual coach distilling the feedback and refining their pitches into a crisp three-minute presentation. These efforts culminate on Monday, March 25 at SEED20 OnStage, a high-energy event where 10 members of this year’s SEED20 class will compete to win cash awards by making three-minute pitches to a panel of judges and a community audience. Attendee ticket costs include access to watch these high-energy pitch presentations, as well as drinks, dinner and mingling before and after the event. 5:30 p.m. Knight Theater. $65.