The Latin translation of “subsecreto” is “in secret,” which seems especially fitting given Clark’s philosophy.
“I find keeping secrets easier than most, by following one simple rule: keep your mouth shut… In today’s self-indulgent social media culture, it’s tempting to tell everyone what you’re doing—but I feel that also prevents people from actually making shit happen. From this sort of retreat, from our own little world, we introduce Subsecreto,” explains Clark.
For both Clark and Smith, Subsecreto is more than just a store. Hidden behind a portal, “The Space” serves as a futuristic studio where Enemy of Fashion and Black Wednesday share the open-floor plan to carry out design and artistic work.
“Subsecreto is a creative space designed for the exploration of the unknown…In addition to the inspired storefront, Caleb and I have come together to make a unique headquarters for our teams,” says Smith.
Last week, 150 guests were initiated as members of the Subsecreto Society. Any customer can join the society with the purchase of a Subsecreto pin, which also includes a ten percent discount on coffee purchases when it’s worn. The store’s official opening is today, August 11th. Their regular hours will be Wednesday and Thursday 7am to 3pm and Friday and Saturday 7am to 7pm. Make sure to drop by and become a part of Charlotte’s newest, most mysterious shop full of great coffee and everything curious.