Davita Galloway, DUPP&SWAT and SincerelySwat
Swat or Vita is what they call me but my name, in full, is Davita Anne Galloway and I’ve been known to do a little bit of this and a whole lot of that in Charlotte. Pleasure to meet you! If you’re wondering, yes, I am a unicorn and I live out the fantasies in my head! For me, that has lead to the creation of a variety of platforms for various artists and such including DUPP&SWAT, a creative studio in NoDa, where we house local retail, a one-chair salon, art walls and utilize the venue for various events including but not limited to workshops, photo shoots, video shoots, exercise classes, networking events, etc. A gem located in the heart of NoDa, this creative space has served/serves as a social hub for the arts community but has also been the launching pad for SPREAD, our quarterly publication, CROWNKEEPERS, our arts-based nonprofit and NITA&VITA, a YouTube talkshow, as well as a host of other agendas. I truly believe in expression and this space, in which we nurture, nurtures us, in return. Frankly, it’s family here–literally and figuratively–as I have the pleasure of creating with my awesome and highly-capable brother, Dion.
So, about my personal relationship with fashion? Glad you asked! It’s been a lifelong, hot and steamy affair! I’ve always stood out because of my attire–whether you view that as good or bad–such is and has been my life. Because of the many stares and finger-pointing episodes that occurred when I was younger, I am more than capable to handle whatever happens today–whether that is a highlight or someone claiming I’m participating in a fashion faux pas (which by the way, I do not believe in). Again, it’s all about expression! I’m a firm believer in wearing what you want! Period. Point blank. The end. Moving on… needless to say, I love fashion and my affinity for it has allowed wonderful opportunities. That, my friends, include styling a variety of celebrities, costuming a number of plays and being the Lead Stylist for a plethora of fashion shows–including Africa Fashion Week New York. It’s interesting because my personal style is just as varied as the opportunities I’ve been blessed with. In other words, do not try to box me in or label my look as it’s really all over the place, contingent upon how I feel.
That’s the short of it but you can find more about me and my universe here:
Personal IG: @sincerelyswat
Business IG: @duppandswat, @thespreadmag, @crownkeepers, @nitaandvita
Web: Sincerely Swat, DUPP&SWAT, SPREAD, Crown Keepers
Address: DUPP&SWAT | 2424 N Davidson St, Ste 112B | Charlotte, NC 28205 | 980.224.2128
With that said, I’m grateful for the opportunity to participate in this series, the BLACK SERIES. You see, I’m quite a colorful girl donning prints, patterns and I hardly, ever match so this was a chance to step outside of my typical wardrobe and still be authentic. This black, my black is comfortable. My black is confident. My black is powerful and, of course, filled with all kinds of ‘bad-assery!
– Davita

Stay tuned for next week’s #13shadesofblack intro!
Join the Black List!
See you on the interwebs… @bwsocialco