The one and only Sam Calagione, founder of Dogfish Head Brewery, joins the Cheers Crew at Uptown Charlotte’s Flight Beer Garden & Music Hall during a whirlwind publicity tour. Being the classy hosts that we are, ourselves and our traveling P1’s broke out vintage Dogfish Head bottles to share with Sam as we kicked back and discussed what’s been going on with his brand and today’s craft beer environment. Sam gives us his views on the Brewer’s Association Independent Craft seal of approval, shares some insight into what new and upcoming breweries should pay attention to in order to compete, comments on the Wicked Weed sell out, talks about his truck and and tells us why, contractually, Dogfish Head beats Russian River every time! It’s a great interview with one of the leaders of the craft beer industry and we are humbled that he gave us the time so we can share it with you! Cheers!